Tenants News Section
This brand-new section on the website is for Grŵp Cynefin tenants. News, advice, information and more – all together in one place.
What's new for tenants?Damp and Mould
If you are a Grŵp Cynefin tenant and have damp or mould in your home, it’s important that you contact us. The sooner you tell us, the sooner we can start dealing with it. There are some things all of us can do to prevent damp and mould in our home. Take a look at our video explaining how to prevent condensation, damp and mould.
Our vision is to make a positive difference to lives and communities
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Read about how Grwp Cynefin in partnership with Welsh Government and Cyngor Gwynedd, is tackling the housing crisis by bringing empty properties back to life as family homes. “I was homeless and living in short-term accommodation,” says Mia. “It’s nice knowing I don’t need to move again with the little one, we’re just happy here. We feel happy and safe.” Read more here... https://www.grwpcynefin.org/en/2024/02/28/grwp-cynefin-working-with-cyngor-gwynedd-to-turn-empty-buildings-into-homes/ #morethanhousing #housing #homelessness #housingcrisis #housingwales #WelshGovernment
Darllenwch sut mae Grwp Cynefin yn gweithio gyda Llywodraeth Cymru a Cyngor Gwynedd i adfywio adeiladau segur i daclo'r argyfwng tai. “Ro’n i’n ddigartref ac yn byw mewn llety dros dro i’r digartref,” meddai Mia. "Mae’n braf gwybod nad oes ‘na angen i mi symud eto hefo’r bychan, rydan ni mor hapus yma. Mae’n braf, a saff."